I want to track one item through different stages each with an associated task & different assignee

david beaumont
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February 14, 2019

I have a fundamental problem  re task tracking.

 I have a list of questions on a project that need to go through 3 stages:


1. Publish

2. Review & Respond

3. Update


Publish is done by A

Review and Respond is done by B

Update is done by A


On a normal Trello board this would translate to 3 different tasks entered separately each with a due date going through stages pf To Do, Doing, Done


But I want to be able to track 1 item through the stages Publish, Review & Respond, Update

So I could set those up as lists - but I don’t want to have to rename the task and re-assign the task each time I move to from one list to another.

So what I’m looking for is different task areas with different people responsible for those task areas so that when an item arrives in their area as part of a workflow the task automatically becomes whatever the task is for that task area and the assigned automatically becomes whoever is responsible for that area. I’d also like a automatic due date set according to a pre-agreed turnaround time for items in the oven task area.

 Can I do this with Trello and/or any power ups?

If not can you recommend a software I cam do this with?

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 15, 2019

Hello David, 

Welcome to Atlassian Community.

I believe you will be able to find some options to achieve your goal using JIRA Cloud Application. Here are some possibilities:

1 - Create multiple sub-tasks linked to the same task, so you can track the progress all together in the parent issue or individually in the sub-tasks, specifying the due dates you want for each tea. Additionally, you can create dependencies to ensure that the order of the steps is been obeyed.

2 - Use post functions to update task fields of your task based on the transition performed. Better explaining:

Let's suppose you would like to update the summary, due date and assignee of the task when you transition it to the status Review & Respond. This can be easily automated by adding post functions in the transition.

For more information about it, please start a free trial for JIRA Core (Business flow) or JIRA Software (Software Development flow):

JIRA Core - Pricing and information

JIRA Software - Pricing and information

Let me know if this would be an option for you or if you have any further questions about it, David.

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