I need to bulk clone from one project to another - anyone have an answer after 2014???

Scott Berp
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July 7, 2020

I see questions and answers from 2014 to do a deep copy and bulk clone of issues from one project to another - maintaining the originals in the source project.

Ummmm isn't their a way to do this now that we are in 2020?? Do I really need to go rummaging through apps to find one and deal with this?

I see a move but why not a move and maintain. What am i misisng here?

Probably by the time this gets a response -I will have had to do it the brute force way - which is amazing for something so standard.

The reason I am doing this in the first place is I selected share settings from another project and I do not have scrum board or backlog to the project I built and I need it.... I cannot find help on that either.


As great as this product can be- the help is terrible


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Carla Ann Rowland
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July 7, 2020

I reviewed my JIRA settings and it is not an easy answer without purchasing add in.

The easiest way that I can think of is--- clone the issues. Search for the Clones and migrate them. Then if needed in new project can do a bulk update to remove the clone notation from the summary.

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