How to search exact Labels

Darapu Rajesh Babu January 2, 2019

Hi All,

I have setup a Dashboard and in that I have a pie chart listing few issues. The chart is setup based on the filter. This filter is looking at the Labels being tagged for AbcA0* only.

But in the filter results I can see it displays the issues which are having lables as ABCxxxx also, so my requirement is to know how we can filter only AbcA0* issues only.

And also in the pie chart apart from issues with lables as AbcA0* and ABCxxxx, it also shows the issues of other labels, for example : Ghe**.

So how do i get this to show "just the labels I have setup in my filter".




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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 3, 2019

Hello Darapu,

When you add the * parameter are you meaning that you are searching for issues containing the previous characters (AbcA0) or are the labels literally names as AbcA0*?

To configure your issue filter to display issues that have only a specific label on it, you must use the not in parameter:

labels = "AbcA0*" and labels not in (ABCxxxx, "Ghe**")

If it does not makes sense to you, can you please provide us the current JQL query you are using and how you are splitting it in the Gadgets?

I will be waiting for your answer.

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