How to remove assignee picture from Storyboard

Maksym Navalny
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April 20, 2016

Ideally I would like to add Owners picture to storyboard, but if that is impossible - removing assignee picture would be enough.

2 answers

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Deleted user April 26, 2016

The pictures are the user avatars the story is assigned to. The only way I know is to ask the users to remove their avatars. Unfortunately it will then place a generic picture there.

If you're not on the cloud you may be able to add code to do what your looking for. I am on the Cloud, so I can't help you with that option.

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Maksym Navalny
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
April 25, 2016

any updates ?

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