How to lock field values?

Ingo Wenke December 5, 2022

When I create an issue, all values can be changed anytime.

Is it possible to lock specific fields on given condition?

E.g. we have larger workflow to manage issues.

At the first section of this workflow, full editing is welcome. Upon a specific status (e.g. approved) some field shall be unavailable for editing, but shall be visible in the issue.

I've seen following "possible" solutions:

  • adding to each status-transition an condition, that my specific field-values shall not be changed
    -> this is awful due to X-times copy and paste of conditions
  • adding read only custom field as target field for the values which shall not be changed up from a given status. Populate values via automation (oder workflow post-processor) and setup different screens to hide the edit field and display the copy field
    -> awful solution and fake, because changing values is possible.
  • split the workflow into 2 parts like "edit" and "fulfill" and create a new issue after the "edit" one is completed, sending the data to read-only fields of the new "fulfill" issue.
    -> this breaks the end-to-end view (and reporting) of the process


Is there another approach available to lock fields?


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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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December 10, 2022

Hi @Ingo Wenke 

On cloud and on Jira software you can't lock field on conditions. You either place them on the create/edit screen (for users to edit them), or you don't.

If you want these fields to be on the created screen, then you should work with validators, to ensure that a specified condition should exists (e.g. user belongs to a certain group, or on a specific role).

Another thing you could do is:

  • to remove them completely from the create screen
  • Create a new screen and place them there
  • Create a new self transition and add the above screen to the transition
  • Add a condition to the self transition so that certain users can use it.

Doing the above will ensure that only certain users can use the above transition, meaning that only certain users can edit these fields.

On Jira cloud, there isn't a "field locking" permission. If you were on prem Jira, you could lock them using scriptrunner, but again you had to write some script.

Noa Tsruya April 3, 2024


I try to do the same - I need to lock the description field after an specific status.

I have jira cloud

could you explain detailed how can I implement that?

what screens should I create? how to define the description as blocked field in screen?




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Sachin Dhamale
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December 5, 2022

@Ingo Wenke ,


You can add the self transaction on each stratus and add the transaction screen on that self transaction with those field which you want to edit on that transaction screen.

For example - On In Progress Status you can add transaction from In Progress to In Progress and attach the transaction screen to that transaction and mention field which you want user to edit.


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