How to get the Epic Key or id from a Story Issue in a REST API Search

June 30, 2023

I feel like this must be the ultimate newb question but nothing comes up in my searches that is responsive.  

I am using the REST API Search to build a visual representation of the Epics and Stories from my Jira project.  

I am pulling in IssueType Story for my project and version and I want to be able to know the Epic parent ID.  Epic ID seems like it would be in the top 10 useful fields in an issue so I feel like am missing something. 

Is there an expansion I am missing or do I have to build this object graph with a blizzard of calls?

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July 1, 2023

Hi, @Greg_Davis 

In REST API request you need to look at customfield, which is mapped to Epic Link.

For example in my test instance it's customfied_10112


July 1, 2023

Thank you Evgeny,  This is what I would expect... my data has tons of these custom fields but none hold either the key or ID of their epics.   Are you using the /Issue API or the /Search API?  Those are the two API's i've tried.   Maybe I am missing an expand. 

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July 1, 2023
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July 1, 2023

Check, what field is mapped for Epic Link in your instance, and search for it in response body

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July 1, 2023

Thank you so much!   I checked my Jire web page source and found the custom field id number there, added the property and I am home free. 

Really appreciate the help

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June 30, 2023

Hi @Greg_Davis ,


If the story is linked, then the EPIC NAME/ID should show up on the story. Usually, this field is there by default. 


It really depends where you are in Jira to see the Epics. If you on a Scrum Board, the Epics are shown on the side panel along with Versions. The don't show up as list of issue on your backlog. 

If you want to build a visual of your epics and story, try using the dashboards. It's a great place to put together widgets to visualize your project. There are pie charts, matrices, and bar graphs, etc.


Hope this helps.

June 30, 2023

Hi Benjamin,  I'm sorry... I left out a key component of my issue.. I am calling the Rest API and looking through the Json for a link to the epic.  I do see the link to the epic in the Jira UI.  

Sorry for the omission. 

Kind regards, 


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