How to get project key?

Roman Akhmetov May 16, 2019

How can I get project key if I know issue's key of my project? What function should I use in SIL/Power Scripts?

3 answers

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Roman Akhmetov May 16, 2019

I've found answer. If you're interesting in that: "(issuekey).project"

0 votes
Roman Akhmetov May 16, 2019

I mean another. There's my script:

string[] CL_issues_K1;
string[] issues_K1 = selectIssues("SLA_START" = breached() and created > startOfDay(-1)");

for(string iss in issues_K1){
     CL_issues_K1 = createIssue("CL_SLA", "", 11604, %iss%.summary);
     %CL_issues_K1%.customfield_15116 = "SLA_START";
     %CL_issues_K1%.assignee = %iss%.assignee;
     %CL_issues_K1%.description = "|"+ %iss%.key + " | " + %iss%.customfield_10103;


I created custom field called SD PROJECT KEY (id 15120). How can I get project key if I know project's issue key?

For example: Issue's key - "CL_SLA-100". How to get "CL_SLA"?

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Dave Theodore [Coyote Creek Consulting]
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May 16, 2019

The Project Key is the prefix of the issue number.  In the example of JRA-123, the "JRA" portion of the issue number is the Project Key. 

If you're on a unix-based operating system, `cut` does this sort of stuff easily.

$ echo JRA-123|cut -d "-" -f1


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