How to filter tickets that have been delivered after the due date?

Theo Cuny May 22, 2019

Hi all, 

I did not get an answer few weeks ago, I'm trying my luck again (and crossing my fingers!):

I am trying to see how many tickets have NOT been delivered by the Due Date over a certain period of time.

For example, I'd like to filter all the tickets we dealt with last month (April), and compare the Due Date with the "Marked as Delivered" Date.

The end goal is to include a percentage in a monthly report saying "In April, we delivered X% of tickets on time (by the Due Date)."

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. I have tried to check related topics but did not find what I was looking for, or simply did not understand.


2 answers

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Jack Brickey
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May 22, 2019

here is a filter that might get you what you want...

project = myproject and duedate <= endOfMonth() and duedate >= startOfMonth() and resolutiondate is EMPTY

you would set this up as a subscription that runs at the end of the month. it would yield all issues that were due in the past month but not resolved. 

you can refine from there.

Theo Cuny May 23, 2019

Hello Jack, 

Thank you for your answer.
If I understand correctly, this would tell me how many tickets have not been delivered in April, right?
Where I am trying to know how many tickets have not been delivered by the due date in April.
Would you know there is a filter that could help see get the list of tickets that got changed from "outsourced" to "delivered" by their due date?

Jack Brickey
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May 23, 2019

It should return a list of issues unresolved in the current month for which the due date is in the current month.

Theo Cuny May 23, 2019

Thank you for that.
Unfortunately I am looking for a list of issues that have not been delivered by their due date, during a specific month.

For example, if I had a ticket submitted on the 10th, of April due the 12th of April, but it got delivered on the 14th of April, I'd like this ticket to be flagged as "not delivered on time" in my filter.

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Max Foerster - K15t
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May 22, 2019

Hi Theo,

JQL supports an operator called "CHANGED" and in combination with the predicate "DURING" you can specify a certain time frame (like April) where something happened or did not happen. Does this already help you in building the query?

Best, Max

Theo Cuny May 23, 2019

Hello Max,

So potentially, I could filter by how many tickets got CHANGED from "outsourced" to "Delivered" before the Due date?

Max Foerster - K15t
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May 23, 2019

Hi Theo,

about what kind of fields are we talking? Are these statuses? The CHANGED operator is only supported by Assignee, Fix Version, Priority, Reporter, Resolution, and Status. If yes a JQL query could look like this:

status CHANGED FROM "Outsourced" TO "Delivered" DURING (startOfMonth(-1),endOfMonth(-1))

would return the issue the issues that have been transitioned from Outsources status to Delivered status last month. Depending on your workflow and how issues can reach the status Outsourced it may be better to just say CHANGED to "Delivered". The query above will only return issues that have been transitioned from Outsourced to Delivered. 

Best, Max

Theo Cuny May 23, 2019

Hello Max,

Yes that would be the first step!

And the final step for me would be to get the issues that have been transitioned from Outsources status to Delivered BEFORE THEIR DUE DATE, would that be possible?

Max Foerster - K15t
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May 23, 2019

Hey Theo,

the problem here with a vanilla Jira is to build a clause with that kind of field dependencies/comparisons. Show me all issues that have been transitioned to "Delivered" after their Due date is not possible. JQL does officially not support comparing two fields.

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