How to confirm/limit the number of issues into Portfolio

Dante De Vellis
June 16, 2016

We are just starting to use Portfolio and I have it configured to bring over about 10 Initiatives and Epics based on an existing Kanban board.  However when I go to load the Schedule view, I get an error saying "This plan contains too many issues to load correction.  You need to reduce the number of issues by reconfiguring the plan's sources."

There should only be a handful of issues.  Is it also looking at issues in those Epics (eventhough they aren't part of my query / Kanban board)?  Does anyone know what the limit is and how you can check the number of issues Portfolio is trying to bring over?





2 answers

2 votes
Rhys Christian
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 16, 2016

Hey Dante,

The limit on the amount of issues you can load into your plan is 5000. However there is a hierarchy limit of 2000 which is the limit on the number of items that we are willing to render.
So if your epics (+ initiatives if you use them) are < 2000 then we’re able to show you the epics level. If your Initiatives + epics + stories are > 2000 then we are not able to show you the story level (either by expanding epics or with the hierarchy level drop-down)

 You can check the number of issues Portfolio is trying to bring over from the "confirm what's in scope" page of the wizard. To the right of "Deselect all" there is a count of how many issues have been selected. Note that this only represents the total number of issues if you are viewing this scope from the highest level of hierarchy as it's a count of the current filter.

Dante De Vellis
June 17, 2016

Okay.  Thanks.  The behaviour is still a bit strange considering I am taking Stories over.  Does it matter if Stories are part of my Kanban Board.  Will they still count against the number if they are linked to the Epics I select?  If so is there a way to ensure Stories are not selected?

Rhys Christian
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2016

Portfolio is still functional if you manage your plan using epics & initiatives without stories as long as the epics in your plan are allocated estimates that represent the child stories. Unfortunately if you don't source stories then the epics cannot aggregate the estimates from child stories. You'll need to assign the total estimate of all the child stories to the epic.

The setup for this type of plan is fairly time-consuming because it requires you manually de-selecting issues in the "Confirm what's in scope" page of the plan creation wizard. This process is simply changing the view to "story" and taking the time to manually de-select every story.

Note that some minor features will be not be fully functional with this setup. For example the epic progress bar will not be impacted by completing stories as progress is relative to your plan's filter.

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Dante De Vellis
June 21, 2016

Thanks Rhys.  This is good information to have moving forward.  It is unfortunate that we don't have JIRA configured to properly take advantage of all the functionality available, but knowing what functionality we may be missing is very helpful.  Appreciate the responses.  



1 vote
Alan Williams
January 2, 2019

Hi Rhys!


Long time no see ;) Is there a property in the file that can increase the issue limitation?


Otherwise do we have a way to copy a plan?


We need a plan that can see feature WIP per sprint.  We only have team boards as issue sources so that has been trimmed as much as possible.  We also need to see feature progress reports.


I suppose I can create a new plan and remove all the stories, but that would indeed be pretty painful.

Alan Williams
January 2, 2019

PS -  We are willing to pay the cost in performance this would likely incur.

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