How to clean up database of bad plugin data ?

Ramprasad Prabhakar February 7, 2012

We have a few bad plugins, which seem to have entries in the DB.

The plugins were set to disabled in the Admin UI. Then, we tried to enable them, but they did not get enabled.

We then tried to remove the plugins, restart jira, and then add the plugins again. When we removed them, and restarted Jira, we could not find them in the list. Then we added the plugins again, now they show up in the list, but again in disabled state.

So, how do we clean up the DB of the bad plugin information, so jira considers this as a new installation ?

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February 7, 2012

You need to go through them one by one, looking at the stacktrace and other messages in the log when you try to enable them. Uninstalling is unlikely to make any difference.

Feel free to post the errors here.

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