How to assign issues to multiple users?

Glenn Botkin March 6, 2020

There is a already a page about this, but pertains to JIRA 6.4; whereas we are using JIRA 8.6

I followed the workaround on the old page for 'Managing Issues via Group Ownership'(one of four possibilities), but it did not work... any suggestions?

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Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
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March 8, 2020

Hi @Glenn Botkin

I assume the page you're referring to is this one?

I've tested this and the Group Ownership suggested by @Leo should work - to do this you'll need to be a Jira Admin and then:

  1. Go to Jira Administration > Issues > Custom Fields
  2. Press "Add Custom Field"
  3. Search and select "User Picker (multiple users)" - it's in the Advanced fields section, so just select "All" before searching for it
  4. Give the field a name and press Create
  5. Assign the field to the relevant Screen(s) for your projects.

You can go to Screen(s) next if you prefer and move the field to a better position, as assigning it to a screen will place it at the bottom.

If you need to edit the notification scheme as well:

  1. In Jira Administration, go to Notification Schemes and select the relevant one to your project
  2. Next to "Issue Assigned" press Add
  3. Select "User Custom Field Value" and select your custom field and press Add

^ This ensures users are also notified of being an assignee as part of this group.

Your field will now be visible on your issues - in view mode, this is in the "People" section in the top-right corner.


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December 13, 2021

Hi @Stephen Wright _Elabor8_

This was very helpful. Thanks for sharing this in the community! 

I was wondering if you knew how to use the new field. Meaning, when I am on my active sprints or my backlog, there is a filter on the top, however, it is still by the assignee. 

Based on another comment below it seems to have something to do with setting the field as an ownership field? But when I googled Jira setting ownership field I did not get any results.  If you have any insight it would be much appreciated. 



Ashraf December 20, 2021

I did it and it worked, but when I went to my dashboard, I couldn't find the task within the tasks that are assigned to me.

Do you have any ideas how to solve this issue ?

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March 6, 2020

Hi @Glenn Botkin,

You can't add more users to Assignee field(single user picker) as per my knowledge. as a workaround you can create custom field in a multiple user picker type and use that for ownership(also modify places like notification scheme to use this field instead of assignee and so on..) 



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Prashant Sultania
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March 6, 2020

Hello @Glenn Botkin

The required feature is not available in JIRA and if you go through the additional custom field then it could be some stress because you will need to add in the screen of the project. 

There are couple of things which can be implemented here.

1) Easy and Simple: Add the additional assignee in "Request Participants"

2) Create a task or sub-task under the same jira issue and assign it to the required users. In this way, you or your management or project manager can track the work of the assignee. 

3) You can create a service account and add in jira. Then you can assign the jira issue to the service account.

Hope I answer the question with all the available options in JIRA.


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November 13, 2021


How can I add partitients. Where is "Request Participants" options, I could't see it.


Thank you

Dariyoush Shiri
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January 17, 2023

This is just for future users who have the same problem.

You can go to the issue's configuration and add a new "people" filed and name it as "Request Participants". Once you did that, you can go back to the issue and add more participants to the issue.

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March 28, 2023

Hello Mate, 

We tried the same and its working to add more people to this ticket but they are not getting any notifications that ticket is assigned to you. Can you help ? 


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jrm October 2, 2023

Glad I'm not the only one dealing with this! :) Sounds like maybe a new feature is needed for the tool? ;) 

I need multiple users that will show up on the board without having to do multiple tasks.  I have used subtasks in the past on a Scrum board but they don't show in the swim lanes. I'm trying the Kanban board right now but am not seeing the option of subtask as a field to add when customizing the task issue type. If you use the team, does it show up on the individuals work board? 

Our use case is that we have our dev folks working on the code and at the same time have our QA folks writing test cases for the same project so we will always need this. Its not an exception, its the rule. Sometimes we have BA, DEV, and QA working on it at the same time but that's more of the exception then the rule. 


Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
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October 7, 2023

Hi @jrm 

Sub-tasks are available on Projects regardless if they're Kanban or Scrum.

What type of Project is it? Is it a Work Management or Software Project? And is it Team-managed or Company-managed?


jrm November 15, 2023

Team Managed

jrm November 15, 2023

And it won't always be the same combination of people so setting up a team isn't an easy to maintain solution. 

Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
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November 19, 2023

Hi @jrm 

Assuming issues on the main Board have Sub-tasks, it should be an option in the "Group By" dropdown, which is in the upper-right corner.

Sub-tasks sounds like the right approach, if it's going to be different users per issue.


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Glenn Botkin March 6, 2020

Hello Leo and thank you.  That is the approach suggested in the page I referred to previously, and is what I have been trying to do without success.  That said, what you've said about notification schemes may provide a clue... I created a notification for the custom group picker field, but it doesn't seem to be working.  Will continue to pick at it.  Cheers - Glenn

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