How to add polygonal line segments for a transition in the Workflow Designer

Norman Abramovitz
Rising Star
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October 17, 2011

The polygonal line transition tool creates two line segments. How do you add more line segments to an existing line? Can I define how many line segments the tool creates when creating a new transition?

2 answers

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Atlassian Team
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October 23, 2011

If you're creating a new transition from scratch, select the ploy tool, then click on the start node.

From there, you can create segments by clicking any whitespace on the diagram and then finally clicking on the end node.

If you want to ADD segments on an existing poly line, with the select (arrow tool), select the poly line, then CTRL+click the line where you'd like to add a new control point.

Norman Abramovitz
Rising Star
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October 24, 2011

Thanks. You can also delete a segment point by clicking on a segment point to be removed. Once the point is selected (turns green) you can use the delete button.

2 votes
brad1050 October 11, 2012

I've been able to confirm that this does indeed work when on a Windows PC (tested on Windows 7 using Firefox). However I am unable to get this to work on a Mac (tested on 10.6.8 using Firefox and Safari). On a Mac CTRL+click brings up the right-click menu (without adding a new line segment), and trying OPT-click and CMD-click didn't do anything. I found this issue that seems to be related:

Andreas Gounaris
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 7, 2012

I confirm cmd+click works in my mac (ver 5.1.6)

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