How to Change the width of the Field Title area/column?

David Gregg December 14, 2011

In the View Issue Screen, I would like to know how to Change the width of the Field Title area/column.

The Custom Field Names are long (to shorten the name is not an option) but are word wrapped over three lines in the issue view.

Is it possible to extend the length of this column so that there is no word wrap?



Using 4.2 until v5 is available

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David at David Simpson Apps
Marketplace Partner
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December 14, 2011

Try updating the stylesheet with more room for labels e.g. append this to the end...

#jira form.aui .field-group {

#jira form.aui .field-group label {
    left: -300px;
    margin-right: -300px;
    width: 290px;
#jira form.aui legend span {
    width: 290px;
#jira form.aui .buttons-container .buttons {
    padding-left: 290px;

Hemanshu Sood June 28, 2018

@David at David Simpson Apps where to update this code? can you specify the path?

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