How do you get issues to show up in the backlog when they are in specific statuses?

Laura Kaiser May 22, 2019

For example, we created an additional status ("Needs Assessment") within the "To Do" status. We would like "Needs Assessment" to show up in the backlog. They are currently disappearing from our sprint and backlog view. We can only see them in "Open Issues."

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Andreia Fernandes
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 22, 2019

Hello Laura, please access your board settings (right top corner), and then quick filters (menu at the left). There you can create a filter for a certain status (exemple: status = "to do") and then, back to your board again you can activate that filter

Laura Kaiser May 22, 2019

Will I need to do this for every board? We have hundreds of projects.

Andreia Fernandes
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 22, 2019

Yes, the quick filter is set for each board.
But your board can aggregate as many projects as you want, so, if you want to see all the issues in a certain status for all the projects, just create a board that has all of them (you can also do this in board settings > general > filter query)

Laura Kaiser May 22, 2019

What would the formula look like for a board specific project? 

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