How can I use JQL to find all epics which have Total Story Points greater than 100 using Scriptrunne

Michael Veit July 15, 2021

How can I use JQL to find all epics which have Total Story Points greater than 100 using Scriptrunner issueFunction aggregateExpression with storyPoints.sum().


We are using a Data Center version of Jira.
We have Adaptavist Scriptrunner for JIRA installed.
We have a field available that totals the story points in an epic called “Sum Story Points Total”

I use the “Sum Story Points Total” field in column headers in Filters and Structures.
But it does not seem to be available in JQL to me.

How can I create a JQL filter that effectively does this:
               IssueType in (Epic) and “Sum Story Points Total” > 100


I’ve been looking at examples using aggregateExpression  with storyPoints.sum

Such as this:  issueFunction in aggregateExpression("Story Points", "storyPoints.sum()")

I’ve tried adding in an expression like this below with “ > 100” and the syntax is accepted, but the expression does not limit the returned records.

issueFunction in aggregateExpression("Story Points", "storyPoints.sum() > 100")

 and Project in (MyProject) and IssueType in (Epic)


How do I use an expression in the above statement to only get Epics that have 100 or more story points?  Or how would I otherwise do this using standard JQL and/or with Scriptrunner commands?

1 answer

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Marc Jason Mutuc
Rising Star
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July 15, 2021

Can you share the configuration of the custom field? To be specific, what's the search template assigned to your custom field?

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