How can I get a list of all JIRA issues assigned to me that aren't closed?

David Thielen October 1, 2018

By status, all open, in progress, and in review.

I't find if it's 3 different reports, n=one for each status.

thanks - dave

4 answers

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David Thielen October 3, 2018


  1. The avatar in my screenshot is for my Chrome/Google account, not JIRA. I can't get a screen that shows my JIRA avatar or that really nice toolbar across the top. Is there some setting I can set to turn that on?
  2. The "Issues & Filters" gets me to a listing. However (see below) the "My Open Issues" includes issues that are DONE. How can I have it exclude tasks that are DONE? (We use the Status field for these settings.)
  3. Once I get a search I want, is there a way to add it to that list of issues on the left so I can just click there to see? (I want a distinct list for each of the 2 projects I am on.)

thanks - dave


Chander Inguva
Rising Star
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October 3, 2018

Click on All issues in left pane and click on Advanced to use the filter shared by  me in first comment.

David Thielen October 3, 2018

That works - fantastic.

thank you very much.

Chander Inguva
Rising Star
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October 3, 2018

Glad that i could help you

2 votes
Chander Inguva
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 1, 2018
assignee = currentUser() AND statusCategory not in (Done)

Try this and see if it helps any David.





0 votes
David Thielen October 2, 2018

How do I get to that initial screen you are showing (this may be why I can't find reports I need)? Here is my dashboard - it has none of what you show.


Chander Inguva
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 2, 2018

Hey David,

The screenshots shown above by me are related to JIRA On Premise Version while you were on Atlassian JIRA Cloud version you can access like this

You should click on avatar, nice image of yours on top right or click on Issue and filters from left hand pane.

Refer to

0 votes
David Thielen October 1, 2018


Thank you for your suggestion. Where do I enter this? I tried entering it in the search prompt and got:

Unable to parse the text 'assignee = currentUser() AND statusCategory not in (Done)' for field 'text'.

thanks - dave

Chander Inguva
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 1, 2018

Hey David,

Please click on your profile/avatar drop down to select Issue Navigator.


Then type above query on search bar by toggling to advanced mode.


Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at 6.49.55 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at 6.50.36 PM.png


Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at 6.51.27 PM.png


Hope this helps




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