Hiding the resolution field removes all issues from "assigned to me" on the dashboard

Ingo Hatalla August 16, 2011

Upon a customer request I hid the resolution field via field configuration, but now the dashboard does not show any issues in the "assigned to me" gadget, which is not very feasible.

The field is only hidden and not completely deactivated since a search for issues assigned to the specific user with resolution "unresolved" returns the issues in question.

Is there a way to hide the resolution from the issue view but keep the "assigned to me" gadget on the dashboard working?

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Sameera Shaakunthala [inactive]
Rising Star
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August 16, 2011

I have encountered with the same problem. Since the filed is 'hidden', users can't edit its value. Unfortunately you can't configure the 'Assigned To Me' gadget any further.

To overcome this problem you can take the following steps;

1. Create a filter - something like 'assignee = currentUser() ORDER BY updated DESC, created DESC, key DESC, priority DESC' and save it.

2. Add a 'Filter Results' gadget to your dashboard and configure it to use the above created filter.

3. Remove the 'Assigned To Me' gadget.

Hope this helps.

Ingo Hatalla August 16, 2011

A custom filter gadget sounds like a solution. I will have a look at it and set this Thread to "answered" if it works.

Thanks in advance

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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August 16, 2011

Hiding resolution shouldn't have caused it. Did you try re-indexing?

Ingo Hatalla August 16, 2011

I already did a reindexing after hiding the field, but it did not help.

If I show the resolution field again and do a reindex, the issues show under "assigned to me".

Another thing is, when I hide the field and click on the link "no matching issues found" (we use the german translation so maybe the link is named differently) the search query for the issue navigator shows up with an error "field resolution does not exist".

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