Hide or Move Refresh Status from Gadget = More Real Estate

Jeffrey Pilley October 25, 2024

Since you can't attach screenshots on the suggestion section of Atlassian's site, I have decided to add this here to and see if it gets any interest. (I have also given a suggestion in the feature suggestion area). Screen real estate is important to me. If you move or allow us to remove the refresh indicator, we will have more space for more issues. In my case, I could fit another 4 issues on my screen. Below is how it is right now: (more text below)

boo 1.png

And Here is where I think it should be moved:

boo 3.5.png

THIS ↓ is the intended result:

boo 5.png

Thanks for your time. Not a complaint, just a really super-awesome idea -lol

1 answer

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Jeffrey Pilley October 25, 2024

Yes. It is a super-awesome suggestion. Thanks, me :)

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