Have installed jira 4.4.3 and am receiving an error at startup, it can't connect to mysql database

Robyn Meyer
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November 29, 2011

I have installed Jira 4.4.3 and using mysql 5.1. When I start Jira, I receive the "You have issues error".
Though it starts in the background I can not access the webpage. I found the following error in the catalina logs:

SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class com.atlassian.jira.startup.LauncherContextListener
com.atlassian.jira.exception.DataAccessException: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure

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Rising Star
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September 19, 2013

Hey Robyn

hmm, this error seems odd. As I understand from the error, it seems that the ports that tomcat is trying to bing to is failing. This usually happens when your instance doesn't have completely shut down, so the ports are still locked.

Can you make sure that when you restart your JIRA instance that the initial instance is completely shut down?

I hope that helps.

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