Greenhopper Jira exception in GreenHopperMenuItems

Ove Fredriksson November 3, 2011

Have LOTS of entries in the atlassian-jira.log saying

2011-11-04 11:12:45,647 ERROR http-8080-6 konmbh 672x7756874x1 141ljtl /secure/VersionBoard.jspa pyxis.jira.greenhopper.GreenHopperMenuItems java.lang.NullPointerException

2011-11-04 11:20:55,764 ERROR http-8080-65 konskg 680x7757575x1 1v1m1cj /secure/VersionBoard.jspa pyxis.jira.greenhopper.GreenHopperMenuItems java.lang.NullPointerException

It seems to be repeated once every minute (automatic screen update) for every user that has an Agile page up.Using Jira 4.1.2 and GreenHopper 5.2.4

2 answers

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Ove Fredriksson July 9, 2012

We didn't solve it, but upgradaed to 4.4.3 and the bundled Greenhopper, and now we don't see the problem anymore.

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Andre Lehmann
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 8, 2012

We faced the same problem...

Any idea on this?

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