Find all Stories with no Subtask?

David Rappo
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November 18, 2011


I'm trying to create a search/report that lists all of the Open stories with no Subtasks associated with it. Is there a search/report function that I'm missing?


4 answers

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Amit Namdhari May 23, 2018

Solution without a plugin.

Use below query as a Quick Filter from the Board Configuration.

issueFunction not in hasSubtasks() AND issuetype != Sub-task

It will sort out every story, which has No or Zero sub-tasks.

Mike Shkolnik May 23, 2018

This requires the ScriptRunner plugin and it's very expensive.

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SundaraPandian R
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November 18, 2011

Is hasSubtasks() specific to any version?

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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November 18, 2011

It is available in a commercial plugin called JQL Tricks Plugin. See the link posted by Jay or

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Rising Star
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November 18, 2011

If you wish only to search for issues with no subtask, this is still doable with JQL. It will return a list of issues and no sub-task issues. For example:

project=Test AND NOT issuetype=Sub-task

But if you wish to search for issues that have no sub-task issues, I don't think this is doable in JIRA at the moment.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 18, 2011

There's a plugin you might investigate that provides some subtask functionality, but unfortunately it looks like it is geared to finding issues *with* subtasks, rather than issues with no subtasks...

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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November 18, 2011

Actually, you can find issues without subtasks as well. Just use *NOT* ;)

issue not in hasSubtasks()

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Mike Shkolnik March 31, 2016

>> issue not in hasSubtasks()

That does not appear to work. I tried "issue not in hasSubtasks()" as well as "not (issue in hasSubtasks())" and I still get issues with subtasks. Weird thing is "issue not in hasSubtasks()" shows items that do have subtasks while "issue in hasSubtasks()" shows nothing. Not one single item. And I know I have some issues with subtasks because they show when I add "not" smile. JIRA version is 6.4.3 with JIRA Agile 6.7.2. I do not have the JQL Tricks plugin but hasSubtasks() has been native in JIRA for some time now. Is there something I am doing wrong?

Megha Malhotra July 1, 2016

hey Mike

ANy luck on this one? i need to find stories which has no test sub tasks in it



Luke Fritz
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July 30, 2018

We were having a similar issue with `hasSubTasks()` behaving in the above-described way. We were able to get issues without subtasks by using the following:

project = EXAMPLE AND issue NOT IN subtasks("project = EXAMPLE")
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