Filter " AND NOT "

Stephan Njo May 22, 2019

Is there a possible way to filter issues which have a related issue and issues which don't have any?

Most of our Issues have relates and I want to filter the ones without.





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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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May 22, 2019

Hello Stephen, 

I don't know what version of Jira you are on, so let me give you a couple of different scenarios: 

With Jira 8.0+, you are able to search for that. An example would be "issueLinkType not in ("relates to")". This is only availible in 8.0+, so if you don't have that it won't work for you. 

If you don't have Jira 8.0 or higher, you could upgrade to 8.0, or you could checkout scriptrunner for Jira. Scriptrunner has a function you can use to search for links using the "HasLinkType" search function. 

Let me know if you've got questions about either of the options!



Stephan Njo May 22, 2019

Hello Kian,

thank you very much for your very fast reply. The Jira Version we are running is below v8.0. As i would need the filter for our Company Jira, I can't update the version nor can I install scriptrunner.

Seems I have to open an issue for our IT department :)

Thanks again


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Scott Theus
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May 22, 2019

Hi @Stephan Njo ,

You will may be able to use the "issueLinkType" field with "IS EMPTY." I'm on the Cloud version and don't have that field, otherwise I'd test it for you.

Here is a link to the Advanced Searching document that outline all of the available fields:

Note this link is for Server version 8.2, but if you click the "Server" button you'll get a list of older versions to select from. 

Also...If you scroll down a bit you'll find a list of other related documents to help with advanced searching.  

Hope this helps,


Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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May 22, 2019



That documentation does not apply for versions prior to 8.0. It was only introduced with 8.0 and is contained in the release notes

Max Foerster - K15t
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May 22, 2019

The issueLinkType field reference does not support the IS operator- unfortunately! So worth a try is entering every issue link type of the system and negating the JQL query. But I doubt that this will return the expected result. 

Stephan Njo May 22, 2019

I tried neagting the search query by checking textfields mentioning the linked issues suffix which actually are uniqe, but the results are messed as soon as I try to sort them by decending date.

As long out IT department can't provide a solution I will working around the issue manually.

Thanks everyone I really appreciate your help and fast responses.



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