Filter on commenter or commentee

Alexion Software March 5, 2012

Filters is a great tool, very flexible but...

Is it possible to filter by commenter or commentee?

I have a filter: "updated >= -4d ORDER BY updated DESC" so I can see what all happened. I want to see on which issues I have to comment/reply on.

Problem: I see also the issues on which I commented myself (getting to the top of this list).

Question: is it possible to filter on the last comments made by commitee (e.g. myself) so that I can only show the last issues which I am NOT the last one who made a comment?

This would make it possible to make a kinda "todo" list for me.

NB is this the same question as

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Sergey Papurin
Rising Star
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March 5, 2012

May be this plugin will help you:

You'll need to add a new customfield "Last commented by a User Flag" in your project, don't forget to reindex after that.

Alexion Software March 7, 2012

Thnx! Works realy great :-)

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