Filter based on Labels

shaik basha
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May 15, 2023


I have the following query and I would like to know how to accomplish it.

jira task1 -> label A , label X
jira task2 -> label B , label Y
jira task3 -> label C , label Z
jira task4 -> label A , label X
jira task5 -> label B , label Y

labels in (A,B,C,D,E) will display all 5 jira tasks.

Trying to create Rich filter pie chart with Statistic type by Labels.
It gives

Label A -> 2 tasks
Label B -> 2 tasks
Label C -> 1 tasks
Label X -> 2 tasks
Label Y -> 2 tasks
Label Z -> 1 tasks

However, I would like to skip few labels and in this case Label X, Y and Z and get only Label A,B and C tasks as

Label A -> 2 tasks
Label B -> 2 tasks
Label C -> 1 tasks

Could someone please assist me in creating a query like this?

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Ditte Simard
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June 1, 2023

I might be over-simplifying this, but if you want to see a Rich Filter Pie Chart with only Label A, B, and C, you can achieve this using a Smart Filter.

I would recommend that you create a Smart Filter that has three jql queries:  "label in (A)", "label in (B)", and "label in (C)".  Then add the "Rich Filter Pie Chart Gadget" to your Jira Dashboard and set the Statistic type to the new Smart Filter you made.  I think that will give you what you are looking for.

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