Failed Startup after upgrade from 4.4.1 to 5.2.4

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January 14, 2013

After attempting an JIRA upgrade the application is not restarting successfully, I get a JIRA locked error with the following details:

The following plugins are required by JIRA, but have not been started:

  • Embedded Gadgets Plugin (com.atlassian.gadgets.embedded)
  • Gadget Dashboard Plugin (com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard)
  • Gadget Directory Plugin (
  • Atlassian JIRA - Plugins - Gadgets Plugin (com.atlassian.jira.gadgets)

I have gone through some threads already and this is what I have done with no success:

- Set JVM minimum and maximum to 1024 in

___ Environment _____________________________

     JIRA Build                                    :
     Build Date                                    : Thu Jan 10 00:00:00 UTC 2013
     JIRA Installation Type                        : Standalone
     Application Server                            : Apache Tomcat/7.0.29 - Servlet API 3.0
     Java Version                                  : 1.6.0_35 - Sun Microsystems Inc.
     Current Working Directory                     : /opt/atlassian/jira
     Maximum Allowable Memory                      : 989MB
     Total Memory                                  : 989MB
     Free Memory                                   : 876MB
     Used Memory                                   : 113MB
     Memory Pool: Code Cache                       : Code Cache: init = 163840(160K) used = 2033344(1985K) committed = 2064384(2016K) max = 33554432(32768K)
     Memory Pool: Eden Space                       : Eden Space: init = 286326784(279616K) used = 113927032(111256K) committed = 286326784(279616K) max = 286326784(279616K)
     Memory Pool: Survivor Space                   : Survivor Space: init = 35782656(34944K) used = 4561416(4454K) committed = 35782656(34944K) max = 35782656(34944K)
     Memory Pool: Tenured Gen                      : Tenured Gen: init = 715849728(699072K) used = 0(0K) committed = 715849728(699072K) max = 715849728(699072K)
     Memory Pool: Perm Gen                         : Perm Gen: init = 12582912(12288K) used = 9762520(9533K) committed = 12582912(12288K) max = 268435456(262144K)
     Memory Pool: Perm Gen [shared-ro]             : Perm Gen [shared-ro]: init = 10485760(10240K) used = 6103872(5960K) committed = 10485760(10240K) max = 10485760(10240K)
     Memory Pool: Perm Gen [shared-rw]             : Perm Gen [shared-rw]: init = 12582912(12288K) used = 7542936(7366K) committed = 12582912(12288K) max = 12582912(12288K)
     JVM Input Arguments                           : -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/atlassian/jira/conf/ -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Datlassian.standalone=JIRA -Dorg.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER=true -Dmail.mime.decodeparameters=true -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/atlassian/jira/endorsed -Dcatalina.base=/opt/atlassian/jira -Dcatalina.home=/opt/atlassian/jira

- Deleted the $JIRA_HOME/plugins/.bundled_plugins and $JIRA_HOME/plugins/.osgi_plugins after shutdown.

- Check the database as advised here:

SELECT * FROM propertyentry e JOIN propertystring s ON WHERE e.property_key LIKE '%plugin.state%';

returns 0 rows.

- I am getting a lot of plugin load timeouts, here is a log:

I will really appreciate your help as the system is down now

Many thanks,


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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 14, 2013

I chenged the settings in to extend the timeout, thanks to Atlassian support advice. It worked.

In order to fix this, please set the following option to JIRA Startup: -Datlassian.plugins.enable.wait=300 (see Setting properties and options on Startup)

Hope this helps someone!

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