Export group membership

Dmitriy Gerasimov
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January 18, 2018


I have two Jira instances: old and new. Both of them use AD as user storage. But user groups stored in JIRA Internal Directory.

Can I copy user group membership from one instance to another?

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Mikael Sandberg
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January 18, 2018

Not from within Jira, but you can do it via the REST API. Have a look at the REST API documentation. I created a script that extracts users from specific groups, get asked from time to time to provide that data.

Chris Dunford April 12, 2022

FYI, at some point in the last two weeks, this has stopped working for anyone who's not a site admin. The REST API returns "You are not authorized to perform this action. Administrator privileges are required."

This change broke some of our in-house tools.

Steve Nguyen May 16, 2024

@Chris DunfordHave you found a fix for this?  I am having the same issue now.

This what I want the authenticated user (testUser) to access https://<serverName>/rest/api/2/group/member?groupname=jira-software-users

testUser is a member of jira-software-users group and is also a member of a group that is defined in the Global Permission - Browse Users permissions.

It seemed like a right setup but I still could not get it to work.

I don't want testUser to be in the Administrator group so that is out of the question.



Chris Dunford May 17, 2024

@Steve Nguyen- Sadly, I did not. The Atlassian folks insisted that this never worked, but I know for a fact that it did.

I likened this to a club member not being permitted to know who the other members of the club are. Seems pretty silly.

We had to resort to putting a list of group members on an internal server so that our tools could get the info they need. This, of course, creates a permanent maintenance problem.

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