Epics / labels and linking

aabbb March 8, 2012


I have been trying to use Epics and Stories in Greenhopper but i one things which i don'tunderstand :

1. Is it true that when getting suggestions in on Epic/Theme field on a Story you get suggetions of all Epics/Themes in JIRA and not just your own project ? When i look at Epic/Theme in the project i only see those that belongs to the project but as i said in the suggestion i sell all.


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March 13, 2012

Hi mihaicph.

List of suggested labels is within context of JIRA system, but this is set per user only until it is used in another project…


Agile_A - My project

Agile_B - Your project

If I will use “Theme-ABC” label in Agile_A project .. I will see it on my suggested labels in another project (Agile_B) but you will not see there Theme-ABC until it will be used in this project. (Used means accepted to an issues)
When I (or you) add “Theme-ABC” to issue in Agile_B project then you should see this label as a suggestion also.

I hope that will help you understand the idea

If any questions feel free to ask



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