Duplicating a board with filters/tickets

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July 7, 2020

Hi Community,  

As the PMO lead, wanting to create a master board with 1 examples of each labels type so that a PM can then just copy across and update with their project name. This will form part of a "new project kit" and help drive a standard and consistant approach.  


When I "copy" it allows me to rename the board... but the tickets don't copy across.. nor do the filters.  What am I missing???



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 8, 2020

Boards are not containers for issues, they are a view of a selection of issues.

Copying a "master" board is of absolutely no use to you for what you're trying to do.  What you need to do is create a new project and create a set of new issues in it (plus maybe a pre-configured board to go along with it?).

You'll need to do some coding or look at one of the apps that can clone projects

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