Duplicate/Backup/Co-Assignee in JIRA?

Gregory Sudderth
Rising Star
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October 13, 2011

Hiya folks! First question on AAC, here goes:

We have some users that need a workflow where a person that is going to work on an issue has a "partner", or backup assignee. Think "typical police detective" type of arrangement. This is to take care of issues that are in mid-stream as well as those that are unassigned, in case of unavailability of the primary assignee.

What do you think the best way to deal with this requirement?

  1. External REST-enabled program that periodically looks for issues that are assigned, uses internal table "if its Bob, then backup is Linda" type of thing, sets it in extra field, and, some filters for the users "show me my partner's issues"
  2. Some magical plugin I don't know about
  3. Write a plugin

There is no intelligence in this workflow, the issues are manually transitioned. Any suggestions would be appreciated!


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Andrew Frayling
Rising Star
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October 15, 2011

Hi Gregory,

Would any of the workarounds at http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRACOM/Setup+Multiple+and+Group+Assignees+In+JIRA work for you?

Would using groups work, so that, for example, you have a group where Bob is the primary and Linda is the secondary and relevant issues are assigned to that group rather than the indivdual? Though it would get complicated if if you had scenarious where Bob is the primary for issue types A, B and C, but Linda is only the secondary for A and C and John is the secondary for B, etc.


Gregory Sudderth
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 16, 2011

I think we're going to with "Manage users via group ownership" sub-answer. The 1st one (queue) depends on using unassigned, and people are already using that for another aspect of their daily workflow. Thanks much! Time to get into custom fields!

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