Development Panel missing the "Create Branch"-Button

Adam Laskowski December 6, 2022


the integration between Gitlab and Jira (DataCenter 8.20.13) works fine. I setup the integration in Gitlab, added a new application, added a integration in Jira (OAuth) and a DVCS Account. 

I finally got the Development panel in the issue view and it shows branches, commits and pull requests but there is no Create Branch function.

Did i miss something? Is it only available on Cloud?

It just looks like this (in german):



Thank you!

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Adam Laskowski December 15, 2022

So i am not 100 % sure but apparently the Create Branch Button is not supported by the Data Center version. 

An alternative is the Git Integration Addon by Gitkraken.

archie September 29, 2023

We are using server edition and we're not seeing it also

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