Customize issues list in user story/epic edit window

Ofira Daniel
September 14, 2017

In User story I can see all sub tasks which created below it in a table 

And same also for Epic (I can see all user stories) 


Is there option to control which column I will see in table ? (+ column order)subTaskslist.png

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Marko Filipan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 24, 2017

Hi Ofira Daniel,

yes, you can control which column you can see in your subtasks table. 

Go to JIRA Administration > System > Advanced Settings > find parameter jira.table.cols.subtasks , here you can add more fields that will be visible on the subtask list. They will be ordered as you order them in the value, for example: if we want to add issuekey as a column before progress column, just put it before the progress column:

issuekey, progress,  issuetype, status, assignee

Please note that subtask ordinal number and subtask summary cannot be excluded from the list and they will always show first, before other columns.

I hope this helps.

Marko Filipan

Ofira Daniel
November 26, 2017

Can you send image ? I don`t have under System --> Advance Setting , only Advance and there I didn`t find under any option : jira.table.cols.subtasks


Is it available also for user story list in Epic ?



Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 26, 2017

The exact route you take depends on whether you are using Jira Cloud or Server.

However, either way, log in as an admin, go to "general admin" and look to the top right of the screen for "advanced settings" - it's in roughly the same place on both types of UI.

Ofira Daniel
November 29, 2017

thanks . I found it .

Few more questions -

1) I wants to add remainingEstimate & originalEstimate  - but I am getting that this fields are not valid - How I need to write them ?

2) Is this magic available also the user stories list on Epic ?



Deleted user May 25, 2018

Is this magic available also the user stories list on Epic ?

Ofira Daniel
June 5, 2018

no . I didn’t found

Simon Rigler May 11, 2021

I got excited when I read this thread that I FINALLY had a way to change the columns seen for user stories inside the Epics view ... but No :(

Ofira Daniel
May 11, 2021



you can use Issue Matrix addon for this

Like Stefan Vitanov likes this
0 votes
Atlassian Partner
May 11, 2021

Hi All

If you would be interested in a ready made solution to view Epic Hierarchy (Epic -> Story -> SubTask) on the Issue screen, can try out our add-on

Agile Tools - Epic Tree and Time in Status

It also has the options to update Estimates and Story Points fields, right there on the Issue Screen.

Epic Hierarchy_Issue Screen_Cloud_Latest.PNG

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Dang Thi Thuy Tien
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 4, 2020

You can try with 3rd-party to customize Issue In Epic Panels.


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Ashley Renlund
January 15, 2019

A related question.  Can one configure this per project? or is it only available at a global level?

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