Custom field still appearing in filters after being removed from screens

Sherry Nightingale May 10, 2024

I removed a custom field called Asset Type from a project a few weeks ago - this project was set up in Q1 and Asset Type was originally in the Epic screens - a few weeks ago I was asked to remove it as it was only needed in the Task Screens


Although this field isn't on any of the Epic screens anymore it is still showing in the filters which in turn is skewing the reporting results in eazyBI


I'm struggling to understand why this might be and what I can do to resolve it?

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Matt Parks
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May 10, 2024

Removing a field from a screen doesn't remove the value of that field from the issue. If you no longer want to use the field at all for Epics, you could run a bulk update on all of your Epics to clear out the value of this field.

Only do this if you want to permanently remove the values on the Epics, but it sounds like that's what you want.

Sherry Nightingale May 14, 2024

Thank you @Matt Parks 

I want to clear the values in the Epics - there are 40 Epics that I want to do this with - when I go in to Bulk Update and choose the operation 'edit issues' i'm presented with a lot of fields but not the one I want because it has been removed from the Epic screens

How do I do a bulk edit clearing out values of a fields that isn't there?



Matt Parks
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May 14, 2024

Interesting. I don't think this limitation exists in Data Center, so I didn't realize that you wouldn't be able to edit fields via a bulk update if they aren't on the Edit screen.

Would it be possible to temporarily add the field back to the Edit screen, run the bulk update and then re-remove the field? That might be your only option.

Sherry Nightingale May 14, 2024

Thanks @Matt Parks that didn't work either

I added this field back in to the Epic Create and Edit screens but this field still doesn't show in the bulk update edit area

I even went in to one ticket to see if I could do it manually but this field wasn't even showing in the ticket - I looked in the configure area too and it isn't even showing in there


Matt Parks
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May 14, 2024

Has there been a change to the custom field context? So it's no longer associated with either the Epic issuetype or the particular project where the Epics live?

If the field is still associated with the issuetype/project and you still can't see it in the bulk update option, you might have to add it to the Edit screen and manually remove the values.

Sherry Nightingale May 16, 2024

Thanks so much @Matt Parks 

I did have to add the Epic back to the context - this then meant that I could see the field for bulk edit

I have changed all of the number values to 0 so I hope this enables more accurate data

Thanks for your help

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