I would like a way to list my backlog in rank order, meaning the number one project is at the very top of the project and two is listed next and so on.
From a Jira scrum software project I can do this at the backlog level but I cannot include smaller projects in the list that are not in epics that are in the form of a story.
My preference is to not create an epic for every story level issue just to be able to include it in the list.
What I am trying to do for our organization is create a single scrum software project with a Product backlog that our leadership team can look at and help prioritize all of our projects. In my opinion, to do this we need to see large and small projects/issues all in the same list. I could easily do this outside in a spreadsheet but would rather not do that.
From this single backlog we will create our sprints from.
In help or direction on how to do this in jira would be great, thanks!