Create a custom field that show me all issues in Jira inside of screen (Create issue)

fabio marcelo December 14, 2011

Hi all,

I would like to know if it s possible create a custom field from type search or even a custom field that show me all issues in Jira inside of screen.

For example

In my screen i have a custom field from type select list called Recurrent.

When i click in the option "Yes" from this select list one custom field form type Free text called Issue Number is showed and so i can write manually which issue is recurrent .

But i would like to change this custom field from type Free text to a custom field from type search or even a custom field that show me all issues in Jira , and so i could choose which issue is recurrent.

Is it possible ?Is there any custom field that show me a list with all issues in Jira?

Thanks in Advance

Best Regards


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December 14, 2011

To display all issues is a bit difficult, because you may have thousands of issues on jira to display thosands as aselect list think about that,

another way is you can restric the display issues based on project also.

rigth now there is no custom field type called issue picker(see this

but jira will support to develop our own plugin see the following link to develop custom field type

another way you can implement your requirement by using Ajax/Javascript and REST plugin Module let me know any if want implement this way


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