Hi, i want to create a button with scriptrunner that runs in a Jira and Xray plugin environment. It aims to create new Test Execution Issues for all tests in a test plan, based on a current test plan and certain custom fields. The custom fields are Sprint TestAudience and TestPlan, these fields are also required on the TestExecution. Here is my script, but it is not correct and therefore does not work, can someone help me?
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
import com.xpandit.xray.api.services.TestExecutionService
def issueManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager()
def customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager()
def testExecutionService = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(TestExecutionService)
def testPlanKey = issue.key // Aktueller TestPlan-Key
def testPlanIssue = issueManager.getIssueObject(testPlanKey)
// Sprint-Feld abrufen
def sprintField = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Sprint")
def sprintValue = testPlanIssue.getCustomFieldValue(sprintField)
// TestAudience-Feld abrufen
def testAudienceField = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("TestAudience")
def testAudienceValue = testPlanIssue.getCustomFieldValue(testAudienceField)
// Tests aus dem TestPlan abrufen
def tests = testExecutionService.getTestsAssociatedWithTestPlan(testPlanIssue.id)
def testExecutionIssues = []tests.each { test ->
// TestExecution erstellen
def testExecution = testExecutionService.createTestExecution(test)
testExecution.setSummary("Planned execution for ${test.summary}")
// Sprint-Feld setzen, falls vorhanden
if (sprintField && sprintValue) {
testExecution.setCustomFieldValue(sprintField, sprintValue)
if (testAudienceField && testAudienceValue) {
testExecution.setCustomFieldValue(testAudienceField, testAudienceValue)
// Assignee entfernen (Unassigned setzen)
// TestExecution speichern
def resultMessage = "${testExecutionIssues.size()} Test Executions wurden erstellt: ${testExecutionIssues}"
return "<script>alert('${resultMessage.replace("'", "\\'")}');</script>"
I created the button in the Ui Fragments and it is displayed