Copying comment content along with images between two Jira instances

Bartosz Bielawski
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September 30, 2024


I have access to two Jira Cloud instances. One is ours, the other is an external contractor's.

Within the task in our instance, we create documentation (text, code, images) in a comment to the task, then copy the content of the comment and want to paste it into the comment in the contractor's instance - but only the TEXT is transferred and instead of images there are gray squares.

This forces us to cut out images from our instance one by one and replace them one by one in the pasted comment.

I see similar reports going back to 2018 - has Atlassian really still not figured this out?

I came across a bug regarding the automation of transferring images - it may be related

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Matthias Gaiser _K15t_
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September 30, 2024

Hey @Bartosz Bielawski

welcome to the Atlassian Community.

Are you automating this interaction with the other instance or is this manual copy/pasting now? Either way, to my latest knowledge copying attachments across instances is no straight-forward task with Jira automation nor copy/pasting as you confirm.

If you're open for third-party apps, I'd recommend to check out issue sync apps. These apps are made for purposes like this. Keeping two issues in sync, copying comments with their images - and whatever data you configure them to sync.

I'm part of the team behind Backbone Issue Sync. Let me or our support team know if you want to dig deeper into that direction.


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