Configure Jira Cloud app for Slack's issue fields

Matthew Limber
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May 17, 2024

Our JIRA instance has a hard requirement that a certain custom field must be populated.

Since this requirement was established, we can no longer create issues from Slack via this plugin because the field does not appear in the list shown in Slack.

Is there a way to configure what fields show (specifically, to add one field) in the "create issue" screen?

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Tugba Capaci
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May 21, 2024

Hi @Matthew Limber ,

You could take a look at the Jira app for Slack

It dynamically populates issue fields (including custom fields) according to your project's configurations and issue type. The configurations for issue types in Jira are directly reflected on the Slack side.

In my project settings, I have two custom fields: Website for the issue type Story and Phone number for the issue type Task. Whatever issue type I choose, it dynamically generates the fields accordingly.
You can see it in this video.


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