Compare all tickets in project against one specific ticket by formula

Andrey Ulianov
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December 4, 2024

Hey folks, question here.

Trying to use Comments in one specific jira ticket (issuekey=DB-1250) as a reference kind-of-table, as a place to store historical stats about the duration of tasks of different size.

Something like



L: 27

Each of these sizes are posted as a separate  comment to this DB-1250 ticket.

Then I have hundreds of other tickets within the same project, which are marked with task sizes. No links or hierarchy to this reference DB-1250 ticket.

Logic I'm tryig to apply is:

Knowing all ticket sizes (S,M,L) from the project,

Retrive the apropriate comment from DB-1250 by keyword "S:", "M:", "L:"

And put this number into formula to calculate the total duration for all the tickets I need.


What I cannot understand is how to "hardcode" this issuekey in complarison formulas.

Is there a way to compare all the tickets against that specific one and how to refer to that specific issuekey in formula?

Maybe a hint you can give?


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