I have the current structure in place for my issues:
- Feature
-- Epic
--- Task
Due to the naming standard of the Epic's being created varying slightly I need to query the static Feature summary name when an Epic is created (Tasks are generated linked to the Epic at each release as well but they would use the same naming standard for the new release so wouldn't be consistent).
I am using the project automation options to create a rule, however I can't get the email action to fire either using the 'Item Created' or 'Issue Linked' triggers.
I have tried to use branch rule component to then set a condition on the summary name of the Feature (parent link or Epic) with 'Issue fields condition' or the 'Advanced compare condition' (issue.summary) conditions but it is not working.
I have read that the advanced pairs might be affected by new changes to epic/parent values so not sure if issue.summary would still work.