Can't upgrade JIRA FishEye Plugin

Michael Downey November 10, 2011

I'm unclear whether or not I should be upgrading my JIRA FishEye plugin. For whatever reason, it's showing up in System Plugins as:

Plugin key: com.atlassian.jirafisheyeplugin

Developer: Atlassian Software Systems

Plugin version: 3.2.1

The plugin documentation says in order to upgrade to the latest compatible version (3.4.7) that I should remove the .jar file from <jira_home>/plugins/.bundled-plugins/ and <jira_home>/plugins/installed-plugins/ and replace it with the downloaded version in <jira_home>/plugins/installed-plugins/.

However when I did that, my JIRA project pages wouldn't display and I got quite a few errors. I replaced the old JAR file and things are working OK.

How should I go about upgrading?

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November 11, 2011

Hi Michael,

It seems this requires more investigation work from us. I saw the support ticket that you had created in JIRA. Would you mind to provide the logs and the System Info and attach to the support ticket?

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