Can a user create resolution for a a specific project?

Calis Agyemang July 22, 2011

I have several projects in my jira instance and i want them to have to their own set of reolsutions. right now they all share the same set. how do i do this?

3 answers

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J Thomas
Rising Star
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July 24, 2011

If you don't mind editing a velocity template here's a direct link to a relevant post in JRA-3821. This has been working fine for us on 4.0.2 since March.

You can specify the resolutions per project and/or issue type in atlassian-jira\WEB-INF\classes\ as shown.

You will need to restart JIRA to pick up changes to either file so changing the resolution settings will need a restart each time.

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Jeremy Largman
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 22, 2011

It's a fairly popular feature request - JRA-3821. There are some workarounds there. It's an extensive discussion there.

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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July 22, 2011

You can't have resolution per project but what you can do is to limit resolutions appearing on the workflow based on the transition. So you can this facility by using different workflows per project!

You will find more details here.

Jo-Anne MacLeod
Rising Star
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July 24, 2011

John is right with this, but you can also use the property on the transition "jira.field.resolution.include", it is a little more intitutive, imho, then trying to exclude. The problem with the exclude as well, is that everytime you add a new resolution type you will need to remember to go in and exclude it from your available resolutions.

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