Can Jira DataCenter be able to host my node js webapp?

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January 24, 2025

Hi Folks,


Can Jira platform (DataCenter) host my node js webapp? 

uncertain if jira has the capabilities to host an application. 

If Possible, How can it be implemented? 


Thank you!

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Lucas Modzelewski _Lumo_
Atlassian Partner
January 26, 2025

Hi @Al , welcome to the Atlassian Community!

If you’re considering running an app infrastructure inside Jira, it’s likely not a good idea. Doing so could pose significant risks to your infrastructure, potentially breaking Jira during upgrades or other changes. Additionally, this might violate some terms of usage or support agreements. Even if technically possible, it would not be recommended.
For reference, plugins that extend Jira are stored in a shared directory: 

However, you can run both Jira and a Node.js application on the same server. However, you need to carefully plan and allocate resources to ensure stability and performance.

Here are some key considerations (as suggested by ChatGPT):

Yes, technically, you can host Jira Data Center and a Node.js app on the same server. However:

  • Resource Allocation: Jira Data Center is resource-intensive (CPU, RAM, I/O). Running a Node.js app on the same server might lead to performance degradation for both applications if resources are not carefully managed.
  • Port Conflicts: Ensure that Jira and your Node.js app are configured to use different ports.
  • Isolation: It’s a good practice to isolate different types of applications on separate servers, especially for enterprise-grade systems like Jira Data Center. This ensures they don’t compete for resources or interfere with each other.
  • Performance Monitoring: Monitor both Jira and your Node.js app closely to ensure that one application doesn’t overwhelm the server.
  • Networking and Security:
    • Ensure that each application is configured securely with proper firewall rules.
    • Use reverse proxies (e.g., Nginx or Apache) to route traffic if needed.

These are just some highlights from my chat - there’s definitely room to dive deeper into each topic.

You can also explore the Developers Community to find similar threads or additional insights: 

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