Can I do an XML Restore of Jira 4.4.4 to Jira 5 RC3?

Brian Cohen February 16, 2012

Was wondering if it's possible to do a clean installation of Jira 5 RC3, and then backup our production Jira 4.4.4 via Backup XML, then restore into Jira 5 RC3.


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Andrew Frayling
Rising Star
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February 16, 2012
Hi Brian, due to imports only working with exact same source and target versions I don't think you'd be able to import directly, but would need to install a fresh version of 4.4.4, import into that and then upgrade to 5 rc 3. I've not tried with these specific versions, but that would be my assumption based on previous experience with export/import. Andrew.
Brian Cohen February 16, 2012

Yeah, I am currently playing around with Jira 5 RC3 on a complete, non-production test setup. I initially did just that, install clean 4.4.4, backup-> restore from production 4.4.4 -> test 4.4.4, then upgraded to 5.0RC3, and getting all kinds of errors/issues. Before I chase those down, wanted to see other upgrade options.

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