Calculate the duration of time between a date field and when a ticket transitions to a status

Steve Holota April 10, 2024

I have a Jira Structure board setup to track the work for our domain architects.

Issue types in use are Tasks, Epics, Features, so this means different workflow states.

I'm using the TargetStart field as the date the requirements are ready for the architect. I then am using the status of "Done" (for Tasks) and "Waiting for Implementation" (Features/Epics) to signal that the architect has completed their work.

I need a formula column to calculate the time between the date and the status please

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Stepan Kholodov _Tempo_
Rising Star
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April 10, 2024

Hello @Steve Holota 

You can use a formula like this:

days_between(targetstart, history.changes.filter($.field = "status" and $.to = "done").last().changegroup.time)

This example formula will take an issue's  date of last transition to 'Done' and compare it with the given Target Start date.

I hope this helps. If you need further assistance of have other questions about structure, please reach out to us directly at our support portal.

Best regards,
Tempo (the Structure app vendor)

Steve Holota April 11, 2024

Thank you Stepan for the help here and through the continuation via the support ticket

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