Backlog is empty while issues are existing

Ton Bui February 4, 2018


I created a project then modified the w/orkflow a little bit. 

The problem now is that I cannot see any issues in my backlog.

I am using the latest JIRA cloud version.


Have any body seen the same problem? All the tricks that I found online are not working with my case.

Thank you!

5 answers

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Thomas Deiler
Community Leader
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February 4, 2018

Dear @Ton Bui,

can you tell me, what 'little' changes you did? Then I can better help you.

So long


Thomas Deiler
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 5, 2018

Dear Ton Bui,

it was great that I could help you solve this issue online with hangover.

So long


PS: For other readers of this question: The status "Backlog" was not mapped to any column.

Ton Bui February 5, 2018

Right it was the root cause but I missed it. Actually "Backlog status" should go under To Do column.

Sasank Potturu April 15, 2018

I seem to have run in to the very same issue... Made a few changes to the Workflow and now I am unable to see any issues in the Backlog.

I am attaching the images for the workflow as well as the columns for the board. Please help.

Board Settings

Backlog --> Technical Feasibility & Estimate --> Requirements Analysis --> Ready for Development --> Development in Progress --> Done

Within Requirement Analysis Column - I have three statuses - Requirements, UI/UX and Event Tracking

Similarly within Development in Progress - I have two status - In Progress and QA

Board Settings.png



Any responses highly appreciated...

Sasank Potturu April 15, 2018

I figured out what has happened and now this is going to be truly embarrassing....

The issues being shown under backlog were actually epics and because I have turned on the epics panel, the backlog was being shown empty.

I am putting it down here just in case somebody else runs in to this situation...


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2 votes
Ton Bui February 5, 2018

Thank you so much @Thomas Deiler.

You saved my day.

0 votes
Ibrahim Ghalghay
September 25, 2021


Another reason:

If you changed the name of the project, the issues will not be shown on the board, but they would still be available in the Issue tab or in the search window

If so, you need to edit the board settings>>General>>Filter

edit it and correct the project name...


0 votes
Ton Bui February 4, 2018

@Thomas Deiler

I'd rather allowing you access our instance to look for yourself.

Our business is now confidential can you keep the secret? 

Let me know.


Thomas Deiler
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 5, 2018

Dear @Ton Bui,

you don't need to give me access. If you share your desktop with Hangout, I can guide you.

So long


Ton Bui February 5, 2018

Dear @Thomas Deiler

Please support me at 

I will be available at 8:00PM ICT today.


Thomas Deiler
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 5, 2018

Got it - you can edit your post, to hide the information.

Ton Bui February 5, 2018

@Thomas Deiler I'm ready when you are. My skype is also the same.

0 votes
Ton Bui February 4, 2018

Hi @Thomas Deiler

Thank you for your question.

I created the project, modified the workflow with more step: 

Backlog --> To Do --> In Progress --> Resolved --> Closed.

Here is one of the case that looks like mine:

But the fix is for JIRA server right? How can you help me better please let me know.


Thomas Deiler
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 4, 2018

Dear @Ton Bui,

if you have cloud, you will need Atlassian for this direct DB modification.

You can do one thing before: Have a look at the agile board configuration. Are there any statuses mapped on the columns tab? Are there numbers displayed, how many issues are in a specific status?

So long


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