Auto Create ticket by sending files

Anthony Gadzinski
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May 9, 2023

We have a process where we create XML file templates to make changes to data in a DB. Several people create the files, log into Jira, manually create a ticket and attaches the file. All these files are saved in a box folder and several people create manual tickets. 

Is there a way to send a file to Jira and Jira will auto create a ticket to avoid a person manually creating it and attaching the file?

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Radek Dostál
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May 9, 2023

That's generally what REST API is for:


So ideally a script takes an xml file, parses it, and starts creating issues using REST. That depends more specifically on your environment and who these people are. Because you could basically have a cron job on some system somewhere, upload the xml files there and let the script do it's thing all by itself.


As far as Jira UI goes, you also could convert the xml to a csv and import it, but you would need to be a global administrator to do so. There is a user-facing import for csv files, but it's pretty limited in terms of what you can map, so it comes down to what kind of data there is in that xml; both options are described here:

Although, as far as I know, there isn't any API to use these wizards remotely other than to actually go through the import wizard in web UI.


Or, I misunderstand what scripts you have there currently, what's happening to those files.. Because they get attached in file system so I assume there's something crawling the file system for .xml attachments? This part has me confused.

Anthony Gadzinski
I'm New Here
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May 11, 2023

Thank you for your response. I do not want Jira to do anything with the files (that process will not change). I want to avoid x people manually creating 30 tickets each because we have y amount of files to submit. I am trying to figure out how to automate how to create a ticket and manually attaching files that are sitting in a Box file so my team do not need to click the create button multiple times. The people who receive the tickets will follow their bau desktop procedures. 

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