Atlaskit Left SideBar is overlapping Jira Nav Bar

Norbert Tovt May 14, 2024

Hey guys,

I'm currently working on a Jira customization using Atlaskit components and I've run into a tricky issue. The Atlaskit Left Sidebar is overlapping the Jira navigation bar, which isn't ideal. The sidebar seems to disregard the navigation bar's space and overlays on top of it, making some navigation links and controls inaccessible.

Does anyone have experience with this kind of issue or any suggestions on how I might resolve it? I’d really appreciate any tips or insights you could share!


My code:

import SideMenu from "./SideMenu.tsx";
import {Content, LeftSidebar, Main, PageLayout} from '@atlaskit/page-layout'

export default function GlobalPage() {
return (
skipLinkTitle="Left sidebar"
<h1>Hello from Main</h1>


I forget to mention, that Main section is overlapped by left side bar, I don't know actually how to solve it.

Best regards,
Norbert Tovt

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Richard Cho
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May 14, 2024

@Norbert Tovt can you try modifying the z-index and see if it fixes your issue?

Norbert Tovt May 14, 2024

@Richard Cho Thank you for answer. I have tried already, it will just overlap the jira nav bar, and we won't see Dashboards and Jira logo.

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