Assistance Required: Updating “JEDITOR_BASE_URL” Parameter in JIRA System Info

Khammampati Surendra July 3, 2024

I need assistance with updating the “JEDITOR_BASE_URL” value parameter in the system information of JIRA. Specifically, I am looking for guidance on how to update the base URL for “JEDITOR_BASE_URL” using TOAD or through the JIRA user interface. Could you please provide detailed instructions or point me to the relevant documentation to perform this update?

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Charlie Misonne
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July 4, 2024


Can you give some more context? What is JEDITOR_BASE_URL for? Is this related to the JEditor plugin?
Where did you find instructions to update this?

I have used that plugin in the passed but I don't remember anything about the JEDITOR_BASE_URL setting?

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