Assignable User in permission scheme dynamically

Mehdi Yousefi October 14, 2011

in creating time i want to set some users in a custom field that these are the assignable people

for this pupose i defined a multi user custom field and placed that in create screen then in permission scheme in part "assignable user" i set this custom field,but i cant see the assignee field in my screen,by the way i dont change the assignee permission at all...

2 answers

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Andrew Frayling
Rising Star
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October 15, 2011

Hi Mehdi, I think MULTI user is the issue as JIRA can only assign an issue to one user at a time by design. If you want at assign an issue to more than one user there are some workarounds documented at

Hope that helps, Andrew.

Mehdi Yousefi October 15, 2011

hi andrew,not at all, i dont want to assign an issue to multi user at the same time,let me explain my case:

in creating time i want to set some users in a custom field that these are the assignable people

for this pupose i defined a multi user custom field and placed that in create screen then in permission scheme in part "assignable user" i set this custom field,but i cant see the assignee field when i change this setting in permission scheme, this problem occures!!??

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 14, 2011

It should work fine. How is your permission scheme setup? Make sure the user custom field has the Assignable User permission. Also, the assign field will appear only if you have Assign permission. Both are two different permissions.

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 14, 2011

No, that is not a problem. See for details on the 2 permissions mentioned above.

Mehdi Yousefi October 14, 2011

i dont know what you mean about my user custom field has the Assignable User permission, i dont see anything about this property,my custom feild is multi user picker type,isnt that the problem??

Mehdi Yousefi October 15, 2011

yeah i read that before,i tested with a user picker custom field and group picker custom field, it`s ok but i encounter this problem when i set a MULTI user picker custom field.

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