Agile roadmap question - Rapid Boards and scrum

Paul Davis
August 18, 2011

What's the current thinking on how Sprints and teams will be managed within the new Rapid Board Scrum process? Are you thinking of adding a way to do resource planning for teams by sprint?

2 answers

1 vote
Bernard O'Flynn
August 22, 2011

I didn't ask this question, but I'm also interested in the answer so I'll give you some details for my company.

We currently are required to do some upfront planning (marketing drives the dates due to regulatory pressure sometimes or market pressures other times)
During our sprint planning, some team members may have holidays planned, there may be public holidays, etc. How do we do planning like this if we can't put in individual calendars? Currenty as far as I know you can just adjust capacity in terms of weeks/days, not the actual day that they will be out of office.
Resource planning is important as we can shuffle people into and out of a project if we need to meet regulatory deadlines for projects vs other projects where we have more flexibilty.
We have devs, qa, ba and business users (of various types) in our teams as well as overall project managers managing the development as just one workstream in a program. e.g. a product launch contains an it build stream, marketing, legal, compliance, pricing, servicing, and 2 or 3 other streams. We can only use SCRUM on the it build as the other streams are distributed geographically and haven't subscribed to the agile mindset (yet). So the program/project managers need to be able to do resource planning to ensure the it build is lining up with the marketing workstream which is lining up with the compliance workstream, etc.
We plan epics for the project (can by up ot 9 months), stories a few sprints out up to the next sprint

I'm happy to elaborate more if you want?

1 vote
Nicholas Muldoon
Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 19, 2011


I am keen to learn more about your current process and environment so that I can share it with the team.

Could you please provide some details on:

- your current sprint planning and retrospectives

- how far in advance you plan, and on what scale (story/epic/goal)

- why resource planning is important, and how it would assist your organisation

- the various roles within your team

- the roles within your organisation that require forward planning, and why

Thank you.


Nicholas Muldoon

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